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Showing posts from July, 2009

Already Placed 2nd Order for new CHA Spellbinder's Releases-- PLUS--My Inventory Clearance Sale Continues!!!

Well, I made it thru Day One of CHA & I've already placed Order #2 for the new Spellbinders CHA releases!!! So, if you still haven't placed your order for all these new, incredibly beautiful products, send me an email at with your "list". See my 7/25 post for all my pricing for these by CLICKING HERE . You can see all the images for the CHA Releases on the Spellbinder's website here (Scroll down to where you see Labels 8, which is where the images for all the new ones start) : And please remember that my "Inventory/Storage Space Sale" is still in effect. I have sold out of several things, but I do still have a good amount of many of the Spellbinders Pendants/Medallions dies left in stock, as well as some of the matching Borderabilities--and they are priced to sell: - In Stock PENDANTS: On sale for $15.25!! - In Stock BORDERABILITIES: On sale for $13.50!! If you've been wantin...

HELP Me Clean out Storage to make Room for New CHA Items!!

Well, I must admit I have a problem and I really need your help!! My problem is that I'm out of storage space for any more inventory. So, I need your help to clear out some of my inventory ASAP, in order to make room for all the new CHA products I'll be purchasing this week. (And I could also use anything I make from this Inventory Clearance Sale to buy even MORE great CHA products for all of you!) So, come on now--help me clear out this inventory please!!! Everyone who places an order & pays my invoice during this week: 7/25 thru 8/2, will be entered into a contest for a full set of the new Cuttlebug Folders. This also applies to pre-orders--everyone who has already placed their pre-orders for the new CHA Spellbinder's products--they will also be entered to win a set of the new Cuttlebug folders. Plus, I'll have a couple other 2nd & 3rd place prizes to give-away as well!!! If you haven't placed your orders for all the brand new CHA releases, see my 7/25th p...

Spellbinders-Pre-Orders / PRICING/ New Products for CHA -- Tell Me What to Order For You!!!

Are you ready?? Here we go again. I'm still taking your pre-orders in readiness for placing my order with Spellbinders for all the newest products they just rolled out/revealed for their debut at CHA. The soonest we can place orders is 9AM Eastern time on Tuesday, Jul 28th, which is when the CHA Convention Floor opens. Since I opted not to go to Orlando, I'll be here, ready to transmit my order electronically. I am still taking your pre-orders over this weekend, but please, send them to me ASAP. After the last big product release (of the Pendants & the Borderabilities), it was absolutely crazy & the demand for those dies was so high that Spellbinders actually had to order thousands & thousands more to be manufactured, just to try to meet the demand. I was lucky, because I had placed multiple orders (initial & re-orders) right away, so except for a handful that were missing, for the most part, I received the dies that I ordered. But many others were NOT so lucky,...

More NEW Spellbinders Dies--Here We go Again!! WooHoo!!!

OK, here we go again. Seems I just finished with the initial pre-orders for the first 16 new Spellbinders (aka SPB) dies (the Pendants & Borderabilities) and now I'm starting pre-orders for all the NEWEST SPB dies, being released in yet ANOTHER Blog Frenzy rollout!!! WHEW!! See the SPB Blog for all the details & to follow the "Reveals" of the new dies: Please email your orders to me ASAP, as I want to be sure I get enough products ordered & stocked, so as to keep up with your orders. Email your orders to: -- ***PLEASE, PLEASE include in the Email Subject line: “Order for new SPELLBINDERS Dies” *** --that will help me sort out your orders as Priority #1!!! Thanks. It is MORE IMPORTANT than EVER to pre-order these dies, to avoid being shut out, if Spellbinders sells out this new group too, as they've just done with the initial rollout of the 16 new dies (Pendants & Borderabilitie...