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Showing posts from May, 2009

Spellbinders (Nesties), Zutter (BIA), Ranger (Distress Inks & more) & Crafter's Companion (Rock-a-Blocks, UCC)--OH MY!!!!

Do you want Nestabilities? Or a Bind-It-All? What about the amazing Ultimate Crafter's Companion (UCC) or the nothing short of genius Rock-A-Blocks (RAB)?? What about the huge & diverse assortment of Ranger products? Or many other fun items??? And all at GREAT prices? Look no further!!! See all the details, prices and of course, how to contact me in my May 12th post by CLICKING HERE . And of course, as always, for either the Ultimate Crafter's Companion (UCC) or the Rock-A-Blocks (RAB), just click the "BUY NOW" Buttons right here, at the very top of my blog on the right side!!!!! I have fabulous pricing on these & they're all inclusive , meaning, what you see is what you pay, including Priority Shipping!!! Please go check them all out!! Many products are now in stock, more are en route & if by chance I don't have what you want in stock, I can certainly order your items for you, so don't hesitate to ask .

HOLY SMOKES--Bad Earthquake--EEK!!!

Wow, just a little bit ago there was a bad earthquake here & a bunch of stuff fell off the shelves in my craft room!!! And even though I'm still shaking, what did I instinctively do?? I reached for the camera of course, just like last time. This time however, the batteries were dead on my video camera, so I grabbed my little still camera. So here's what one corner of my craft room looks like, after the earthquake. I have no idea how strong it was, but what I can tell you is that it wasn't just a strong one, but it was a loooonnnnggg one as well--I just kept wondering when it would stop, as stuff was falling all around me!!! Just in case you're interested, the 2 videos from the last earthquake I caught on camera in July 2008 are at the end of this post (and of course I'm still wishing my video camera would have been charged tonight!!!)!! When I play these videos even now, I can still hear the terror in my voice--and tonight, I was even MORE terrified and my hands...

WOW--WOW!! Placing Yet ANOTHER Nestabilities (and more) Order, Due to POPULAR Demand!!!

What can I say about all of you??? Once again, you have totally humbled & surprised me!! I knew a lot of you had been asking me to make other products available to you here, using the same type of price structure & deep discounting that I've offered since I began selling on my blog, but WOW---your response truly knocked my socks off!!!! I had no idea what the response to my latest offerings (see May 12th post here) would be, but I certainly had no expectation of the volume that you ended up honoring me with! For all of you who placed your orders with me this past week, the words, "Thank You" just don't seem adequate, but I'm saying them anyway, because I never want you to doubt how deeply grateful I am for the trust you put in me by spending your very hard-earned dollars here with me. It is something I NEVER take for granted & always take very seriously!! And I have news---after the first order was closed & finalized with the wholesaler, I had...

Did You Say You Wanted Nestabilities at a Great Price??

***** Nestabilities , Other Spellbinders Dies & More***** OK, I’ ve heard you—thank you for your many requests & because of all your interest, I’m FINALLY taking the plunge & I’m going to be placing a large order for the Spellbinder’s Nestabilities (& other Spellbinders dies upon request). My prices will be low, in keeping with what I’ ve done so far on my site: & the philosophy we adhere to within our other family business. I just need to hear from you to let me know which Spellbinders dies ( Nesties & others) & the quantities of each that you want me to order for you. See the manufacturer's links towards the bottom of this post. Click on the manufacturer's links, so you can see all the products & make your lists (just remember that my prices will be considerably less than what you see on the manufacturer's websites!!!) Please email me at: with your lists ...

Making EnveloBoxes (3-D Envelopes) with Your Ultimate Crafter's Companion (UCC). Don't forget to use Glenda's "Rock & Roll" Technique!!

Hi all!! Wowee, this has really been a hectic week, so I'm a bit behind in my posting here--sorry! But the good news is that I have a TWO-PART Video Tutorial for you (which I finally managed to get edited--yeah!!!) that shows one of my personal, very favorite features & techniques using the UCC (Ultimate Crafter's Companion), which is the EnveloBox (3-D Envelopes). These are the great 3-D envelopes that actually allow you to have enough room within them to enclose your beautiful, multi-layered cards without having the dreaded "envelope squish factor" !! (EEEEKKKKK---noooo, anything but that!!!) In other words, your beautiful cards will have plenty of wiggle room inside these amazing EnveloBoxes, so all that work you put into them, all those Cricut images or Cuttlebug die cuts or embossed pieces, Nestabilities, your Primas (or other flowers!!), ribbons, Skittles and all that other great stuff you love to put on your cards will still be intact AND still be dimen...

Happy National Scrapbook Day!!!

I hope everyone's having an absolutely wonderful National Scrapbook Day!!!! I wanted to let everyone know in honor of this holiday of ours, any orders placed on my blog today or tomorrow (Sat. May 2 nd or Sun. May 3rd), I will throw in 3 extra sets of "goodies" (in addition to all the ones I already throw in there!!)!!! And they'll be extra special goodies, I promise!!!! Just use the "BUY NOW" Buttons right here, at the very top of my blog, over on the right side. And so far, those all still have the same sales prices on them as before--I will not even contemplate changing them (increasing them--- waaaaahhhh !!) until I completely run out of the inventory that I managed to snag with the better prices & when I have to start selling the inventory that I was charged more for by the manufacturer!!! So again, grab them all while you can still get them at the lower prices!!!! Have a marvelous & very creative National Scrapbook Day!!! Hugs to all o...