Pink ATG Gun- Pre Order: $21.50 with 2 free rolls of tape!! Now here's something we can do to help with the Breast Cancer cause!
Well, isn't this timely? Just after hearing the news about our fellow crafter , Monique being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I got a notification that there is now a new ATG tape gun being offered by 3M that is PINK and the best part is that 3M will donate a portion of the proceeds of the sale of THIS item to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. When I read that, I knew I had to place a pre -order for these so I could allow myself and my customers to help out with this cause. Ever since we've all heard about Monique, the most common thing I've read is how each of us wished there was something we could do to help. Well, I have to say, I believe there are no coincidences in life --which makes the timing of the email I received about this product introduction simply amazing. For those of you who are not familiar with what an ATG is, it is simply a double sided adhesive applicator. Here's a description from f rom 3M: The Scotch® ATG Applicat...