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HURRY-Just ONE DAY Left!!! Don’t miss this amazing offer!!!

Please—don't miss out on this amazing offer which ends promptly tomorrow—in ONE day, on April 30th, which is giving you over $300 in free products!!! If you are already someone who likes to dabble in making cards, scrapbooks (either traditional or the new faster/less work method!!), or making home dĂ©cor items or even quilting, or if you are a stay at home Mom (especially if you do home schooling!!), or a teacher, or someone who helps out in the classrooms with bulletin boards & more, or someone who helps with church or youth groups, etc. please take advantage of this outstanding offer from a great, robust company before it's gone forever! Or did you ever wish you could learn how to do any of above-mentioned items? This is a golden opportunity and it would break my heart to see any of you miss out on it!! (Click here to get started!)

The offer is simple and straight-forward. If you join my Close To My Heart (aka: CTMH) team as an Independent Consultant before midnight Eastern time on April 30, 2014, you will receive your choice of any of the three favorite "art-full" Close To My Heart Cricut® collections FREE (all of which themselves are normally $99 retail each!!)! The New Consultant Kit is just $99 and comes packed with over triple the retail value in products and supplies to help you succeed with your crafting right out of the gate. Select your choice from the 3 FREE Cricut® bundles—which are all normally retail priced at $99—when you order your New Consultant Kit. The combined retail value of the New Consultant Kit and the FREE CTMH Cricut® Bundle is over $400 total, but all you're paying for with this special promotion, which is over at the end of of April, 2014, is $99 !!!!! I am personally adding even more to this offer: I am doing a drawing for anyone who signs up on my team in April for a FREE CTMH Art Philosophy Cricut bundle!!! So, not only will you get your choice of one of the three Free CTMH Cricut bundles as part of the CTMH special promotion ending at the ending TOMORROW/April 30, 2014, you will also be entered into a drawing where I will be giving away yet another of the 3 CTMH Cricut Bundles & the one I am giving away is Art Philosophy!!! Plus I am also giving all my team members another gift worth an average of $15. of other paper crafting supplies!!!

I know your next question is: "Is that it??" and the answer is no. You will also be able to order whatever supplies you want, as often as you want, from CTMH at the Consultant 22% discount, as long as you remain an active consultant, so you will be able to order & stock up on all your crafting stash, now discounted—and by the way, CTMH products are some of the highest quality in the industry!! If for whatever reason, your Consultant status changes from Active to Inactive, you get to keep everything you've received up to that point, including all the freebies offered at the beginning, plus all the "stocking up" supplies you've ordered up until then with your 22% discount!!! That's it!!! The only things that changes is a status in the CTMH system—period!!

I want you on my team!!! I want to help you. Please CLICK HERE to get started. If you have any questions, feel free to email me ASAP at

P.S. Are you a dedicated crafter and you really want to take advantage of this offer, but the ONLY REASON you NOT do so is because you do NOT already own a Cricut machine?? If that is the ONLY reason, please email me with your telephone number (including area code) ASAP and I will call you back, most of you tomorrow morning, after 9AM PACIFIC TIME, If it's OK to call you tonight, please email me the hours I can call you. I may be able to help you with the machine. If there's a will, there's always a way!!!


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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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