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More CHA Videos, Info & "Buzz" are coming, I promise!

Hi all!! OK, OK, OK!! I know I promised I'd put up at least one more CHA video featuring that darling & oh-so-talented & amazing Tim Holtz from Ranger Inc., but I'm running behind schedule because on my last evening at CHA, after having a wonderful meet & greet & dinner with several of our gals from the Cricut Message Board, I felt suddenly very sick--literally!! And no, I wasn't "under the influence" at all!! (Amazingly, one of the other gals got sick right before I did---geez, makes me wonder if there was something "off" about some of the food? Because believe me, if there's even a little something wrong, I'll be the first to be put off by it!!! Maybe I should take up a new career as a professional taster or something for the Food Safety folks, what do you think, LOL???)

Anyway, back to reality. So, I'm running behind schedule, but hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow (well, as "normal" as I ever get, that is!!!). It will be worth the wait, as I have some AMAZING buzz about other new Cricut cartridges coming out in 2009, what MIGHT be happening with Cricut Design Studio and some insight into the Cricut Rewards program & their waaaaay too expensive shipping charges!! Oh & some other videos & photos from around CHA too, not to mention, I have some very cute photos of the Cricut MB gals!! So, if you'll just bear with me, let me get them downloaded off my cameras then uploaded to the internet for you. Plus, I'm trying to figure out if I can import my videos taken with my FLIP Ultra camera into the newest Photoshop Premiere Elements 7 to edit & generally just clean them up for you---I've heard there's some "codec" conflicts w/the type of files between those 2 programs & their conversions, blah, blah, blah--(I'm now rolling my eyes up into the back of my head!)..., so I've been too chicken to try it (last summer I had a horrible experience with the previous Premiere version--it crashed, destroyed & totally wiped out my hard drive, so no wonder I'm a bit timid about possibly going thru all that again!!). So, again, please be patient with me & hopefully it will be worth the wait!! Thanks for your support!!!


  1. Cant wait but get yourself settled and relax a bit


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