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BLOG CANDY Give-Away--made easier!! Plus, if you're a "FOLLOWER" of my blog- new & exciting info in this thread (hint: your votes=more entries!)

(This blog thread is to summarize and hopefully, make it easier for all of you to enter here to win my BLOG CANDY Give-Away.)

Ohhhh, thank GOODNESS--now, finally: BACK TO CRAFTING!!! I've been soooo busy with all the orders for the Crafter's Companion products (thank you!!!) over the past week, I haven't been able to craft ANYTHING worthwhile. But I've been musing & thinking about what type of tutorials/projects I wanted to start with here on my blog (BESIDES the obvious, which are the Ultimate Crafter's Companion and the Rock-A-Blocks!!!), & of course, because I am the original "Gadget Queen", who loves ALL gadgets & tools, most the things that popped into my mind were about different crafting "tools". Several of the ones ones that came to mind were those I think many of us bought with great enthusiasm when they were first released, but now, may not be getting as much use as they could be, or they may actually be gathering dust!!! In this economy, I think it's more important than ever that we get our money's worth out the tools we have sitting here!!!

So with that in mind, I've put together a partial list & what I want you to do is to vote for your TOP 3 (and BTW, if there's something else that I don't have listed here that you'd like to see, feel free to substitute your suggestion for mine!!). To vote, just go to the COMMENTS section at the end of this thread & post a COMMENT--(and you may enter more than once!!!). That will automatically enter you in my BLOG CANDY Give-Away (and it's a REALLY GOOD one!!!).

***Also, if you've already signed up to be a "FOLLOWER" of my blog, or if you're signing up to be a "FOLLOWER" now, be sure to put the word: "FOLLOWER" in your comment, because that will automatically count your one (1) vote entry as five (5) vote entries for the BLOG CANDY!!! YAAAAAHHHOOOO!!!

So, get ready to go to the COMMENTS Section now & VOTE!!!! Here's the list:

  1. ANYTHING to do with the Cricut/Expression machines (as well as MOST of the cartridges--believe it or not, there are still a few cartridges that I don't own, LOL!!!)--but, I don't want to re-create the wheel, because as we well know, there are several amazing Cricut Videos already up on my good friend, Robyn's blog (The Pink Stamper). But I'd like to hear what other things you'd like to have help with, or understand better, that haven't been explored as of yet. And please, try to be as specific as possible as to what it is you want help with with/more information on.
  2. ANYTHING to do with the Cuttlebug.
  3. The "correct/easier" use of certain punches (border punches, the Corner Adorner/Card Creator punches, etc.).
  4. The Making Memories Tag Maker.
  5. The Fastenator (Stapler).
  6. The Perfect Layers Tools.
  7. The Perfect Printing Pouch or the Embossing Buddy/Embossing Magic pouches.
  8. That ATG gun you just HAD to have--how to use it without any ATG "boogers".
  9. The Tagger Tool (from Around the Block, or there's also another one from a different manufacturer as well).
  10. The Basic Grey Notch & Die Cutting Tool and/or the Making Memories Ribbon/Slot Punch.
  11. The Bind-It-All and/or the DreamKuts machines from Zutter.
  12. The Xyron Design Runner.

There's my dozen possibilities. (Besides the tutorial I'm ALREADY working on for you that's NOT listed here!!!) You may also substitute another subject not already on my list for one of your own!!! Now I'd like to hear from you, so let your votes be heard!!!

Enter by POSTING A COMMENT in the COMMENTS section just below here. Once again, please enter your TOP 3 tutorial requests by entering their item number & the item description of the three you'd to see explored the most. Be SURE to rank them in the order of importance to you. I'll tabulate the results & from there, will begin creating those tutorials you want most!!!

And remember, posting your comment will enter you in my BLOG CANDY giveaway here!!!

***(Also remember that if you're a "FOLLOWER" of my blog (already, or if you've just signed up to be one now) be sure to put the word "FOLLOWER" in your comment somewhere & that will count your one (1) entry as five (5) entries for the BLOG CANDY!!! So come on, GO VOTE!!!!


  1. Glenda, I have been lurking around your blog for a while and I am now officially a follower! I would like to see more #11 BIA and of course #1 Cricut!. Not sure where to put this so I will put it here and lower!

  2. FOLLOWER (but I use Google Blog Reader so I don't know if that counts. It's easier to manage blogs I'm following from there.)

    1. Anything to do with Cricut
    8. ATG gun - don't have one but would help me decide if its for me.
    Other: Cropodile II Big Byte

    #3 - Cuttlebug - how to leave a blank space as described months ago by RaeChase - never did get it to work right; or how to use the borders or small embossing folders without edge marks
    #2 - border punches - how to line up the corners correctly to make a complete frame
    #8 - my ATG is on order (the one from tape depot) - I hope I don't have any "boogers"!

    1. Anything to do with the Cricut
    3. Correct easier way to use punches

  5. I would love to see tutorials on anything cricut or cuttlebug and correct or alternative uses of punches. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but I can't tell you the number of times I watched a tutorial and though "Wow, that's how you do that" or "I didn't know you could do that". Thanks and keep up the good work. I love your reporting from show.

    #11 Bind-It-All & #11 Dreamkuts - Trying to decide if this is worth it.
    #5 Fastenator
    #8 ATG - No "boogers" & any tips on getting close to the edge & making a straight line.

  7. I love all that you do! I am most interested in the really different ideas you have come up with for the Cuttlebug, Love anything original with Cricut Expression, and I bought a Bind-it-all and have never used it, so maybe that would be good. By the way - I'm a follower!

    Gini Williams

  8. I just started my own blog and I am now a FOLLOWER of yours.

    #1 I would love any Cuttlebug tips!! One question in particular that I have would be, 'Is there any way to emboss a piece that is is bigger than the folder? And if so HOW??' I love it, but don't use it as often as I should.

    #2 ATG NO BOOGERS. I love my ATG BUT....I have come to the conclusion that I use more adhesive, just because I have more to use. ANd I also have an occasional booger.

    #3 Making Memories Tag maker. This is my "dusties" tool. In fact it has not even been taken out of the package. In my defense I did not buy it. I recieved it as a gift. As you said... "In this economy, I think it's more important than ever that we get our money's worth out the tools we have sitting here!!!"

    Also I would like to say THANK YOU for you cricut marker tips. I just found it today and I can't wait to give it a try!!

  9. Just became a follower although you have been on my "blog favorites" for a while. LOL
    For me
    1# Cricut and DS tips and uses without the seems everyone is designing for the SCAL software not the DS
    #3 Cuddle but stuff...I am a newbie to the CB and I know there is tons of stuff I don't know yet!
    Cathie in UT

  10. Glenda... I put in a comment the other day for your blog candy, but I don't see it. I can't remember what I voted for... so I will think of 3 more... AND I AM A FOLLOWER....
    1. help with using the DS, I would love to be able to create, design in it
    2. crop a dile
    3. tips on using the cuttlebug
    ( waiting so patiently (lol) to hear from you about my order and if you have received my MO...)

  11. Follower! : )

    2) Cuttlebug
    1) Cricut and DS without SCAL
    8) ATG

    ATG boggers LOL
    thanks so much for doing this

    1) I would love to see a video of using the Cricut Markers without the CDS (since I dont own that & can't get the markers to work correctly using just my E. (Daughter and I almost threw the markers out the window one night!!! hehehe!)
    2) Cuttlebug videos on tips for blank space on cards, etc.
    3) Crop a Dile uses besides setting brads!

    Thanks Glenda!


  14. Love to see the crafters companion on here, I have had one a long time, not as fancy as this one, but does a great job. I would like a vidio on zutters Bind it all. I have one but have never been able to use it right. Love your blog. Anna

  15. 1,2,8 first being most important. hey glenda, have you gotten that list of the release cartridges for this year for the cricut? thanks, karen

  16. hello glenda, been meaning to follow your blog the first time i came across it looking for videos on the Crafters Companion and Rock-a-blocks and now officially, i'm a FOLLOWER! YEY! :)

    now for my vote..

    The Bind-It-All and/or the DreamKuts machines from Zutter.

    The Basic Grey Notch & Die Cutting Tool and/or the Making Memories Ribbon/Slot Punch.

    he Perfect Printing Pouch or the Embossing Buddy/Embossing Magic pouches.

    and heres a rhyme for you..

    to the bestest ever blog candy host
    you're the grooviest there could be
    thanks for the chance to win
    and really wish you'd pick me.. :)

    thanks again with much love from the Philippines,


  17. I would love help on shading and outlining images cut out by the Cricut to make them look more "handmade-ish." Does that make sense?

    I would also like help with the ATG gun. I haven't yet purchased one.

    Michelle Pharis


    8. ATG gun - I HATE loading mine
    1. Cricut/Expression machines - I don't have one...yet
    8. 8. ATG gun - Did I mention I HATE loading mine


  19. I am a FOLLOWER....
    and I love your website. the tips are great. Ive been watching video's on how to use my cricut.

    thank-you Glenda I'm new to scrapping but I do have a [cricut exprssion] but not many tools I love yet.

  20. Glenda my votes are for:

    1. Bind-It-all/Dreamkuts
    2. ATG
    3. Help with the Punches


    Thanks for all you do.

  21. Follower

    1. cricut more with DSS
    11. bind it all

    more with the UCC
    Thanks AndreaA



    1. ATG
    2. perfect layers
    3. printing pouch

    GREAT BLOG!! Especially for the people who could not make it to CHA =/ ~sniffles~ THANKS!!

  23. Hi Glenda, I vote for 6, 8 and 11. Thanks...

  24. Hi Glenda, I didn't read very well and forgot to put FOLLOWER in my post. I hope I will still be able to get the 5 entries. Thanks ScrappinBee

  25. FOLLOWER.........
    I would love to see:
    ANYTHING to do with the Cuttlebug. I just got one not too long ago and while I know how to use the dies and embossing folders, I'm sure there are tricks I don't know as well!

    The "correct/easier" use of certain punches (border punches, the Corner Adorner/Card Creator punches, etc.). I definately could benefit from that! Maybe I wouldn't have to return them when they are not punching right! ha!

    Thanks - Angie (BugginAway)

  26. Hi Glenda,
    My vote is for cricut tutorials. I have the big E but am not "comfortable" with it yet. It probably does so much more than I know how to do, so those would be great!

    Tara Kilburg

  27. Well I knew I had posted before....I panicked when I saw your post on March 6th with 104 comments and mine wasn't one of them. II found it here and I see I picked 3 different things today than I did before. I guess that just says I wanna learn all I can!!!



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Please share your thoughts by posting a comment here!!! Your thoughts / suggestions / comments will help this Blog evolve into the community of shared learning I so very much want it to be--for ALL of us!! Thanks. GLENDA

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