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Orders are STILL coming in-Now added the "BUY NOW" buttons to simplify the process!!! Also, PLEASE Vote on your Tutorial requests-For BLOG CANDY!!!

Well, once again, first I want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, because the orders are STILL coming in for both the Ultimate Crafter's Companion & the Rock-A-Blocks!!! I am truly humbled!!! I've placed yet ANOTHER re-order with the manufacturer & am waiting for my re-orders to arrive!!!

In the meantime, in order to simplify the process for EVERYONE, I've added some "BUY NOW Buttons" from PayPal, which will simplify the process for ALL of us!!!

To recap, I absolutely fell in LOVE with these 2 products when I saw them at CHA, & because I really believed in them, decided to place orders for both of them. That original quantity was all I ever intended to deal with. Well, the quantity I originally ordered from the manufacturer were just blown out the doors from the moment I offered them on my blog. Then, because soooo many people still wanted them, I went ahead & placed re-orders for both products & am now waiting for my shipments to arrive. At first, I intended to just have folks send me an email to place their orders, but now, it has almost become unmanagable that way, because there were multiple steps for everyone involved. I talked with PayPal today & their recommendation was that I put the "BUY NOW Buttons" on my blog, which allow folks to pay immediately thru PayPal, or to use other methods, (even if they don't have a PayPal account!!!). I just want to make sure everyone knows that at the time of this posting, I'm awaiting the arrival of the shipments of my re-orders (these order have been placed & fully paid for by me already!!!), I have no product left in stock, but, this manufacturer does ship very FAST. So when you click on your "BUY NOW Buttons", your PayPal payment RESERVES the product for you & I will ship it out to you as soon as they arrive from the manufacturer. Because these are going thru PayPal, you are FULLY protected.

AND BTW, if you've ALREADY placed your order through the email option I'd offered previously, don't worry, I have all those emails. If you've already received a PayPal (or other) invoice from me, just respond to that invoice as per normal & pay it as you usually do with your PayPal invoices. You do NOT have to go in & click the "BUY NOW Buttons", because if you've received a PayPal invoice, your order is ALREADY in the pipeline!!!

Here's a recap on the pricing:

- The Ultimate Crafter's Companion: Total price, includes USA shipping with tracking: $56.05

- Rock-A-Blocks (set of 4 blocks--see sizes listed above): Total price, includes USA shipping with tracking: $21.27

For all the details about why I am SOOOOOO in LOVE with these products, (as well as 2 videos I made about the products at the CHA Convention / the Craft & Hobby Association), click here for the post where you can find out EVERYTHING!!!

So now let's talk about crafting!!! I've been soooo busy with all the orders for the Crafter's Companion products (thank you!!!) over the past week, I haven't been able to craft ANYTHING worthwhile. But last night I was thinking about what type of tutorials/projects I wanted to start with here on my blog (BESIDES the obvious, which are the Ultimate Crafter's Companion and the Rock-A-Blocks!!!), & of course, because I am the original "Gadget Queen", who loves ALL gadgets & tools, everything that popped into my mind were about different crafting tools. The ones that came to mind were ones I think many of us bought with great enthusiasm when they were first released, but now, they may not be getting as much use as they could be, or they may actually be gathering dust!!! In this economy, I think it's time we get our money's worth out the tools we have sitting here!!! Here's some of the ones I was thinking about:

  1. ANYTHING to do with the Cricut/Expression machines (as well as MOST of the cartridges--believe it or not, there are still a few cartridges that I don't own, LOL!!!)--but, I don't want to re-create the wheel, because as we well know, there are several amazing Cricut Videos already up on my good friend, Robyn's blog (The Pink Stamper). But I'd like to hear what other things you'd like to have help with, or understand better, that haven't been explored as of yet. And please, try to be as specific as possible as to what it is you want help with with/more information on.
  2. ANYTHING to do with the Cuttlebug.
  3. The "correct/easier" use of certain punches (border punches, the Corner Adorner/Card Creator punches, etc.).
  4. The Making Memories Tag Maker.
  5. The Fastenator (Stapler).
  6. The Perfect Layers Tools.
  7. The Perfect Printing Pouch or the Embossing Buddy/Embossing Magic pouches.
  8. That ATG gun you just HAD to have--how to use it without any ATG "boogers".
  9. The Tagger Tool (from Around the Block, or there's also another one from a different manufacturer as well).
  10. The Basic Grey Notch & Die Cutting Tool and/or the Making Memories Ribbon/Slot Punch.
  11. The Bind-It-All and/or the DreamKuts machines from Zutter.
  12. The Xyron Design Runner.

So there's my dozen possibilities. Now I'd like to hear from you, so let your votes be heard!!! Enter by POSTING A COMMENT in the COMMENTS section just below here. Please enter your TOP 3 tutorial requests by entering their item number & the item description of the three you'd to see explored the most. Be SURE to rank them in the order of importance to you.

I'll tabulate the results & from there, will begin creating those tutorials you want most!!! And posting your comment will enter you in a BLOG CANDY giveaway here!!!


  1. Glenda I have the MM tag maker and just used it last night. I am not sure if I use it right and would love a tutorial on it! I am beginning to think I am the only person in the world that likes this tool!!

  2. What a wonderful idea Glenda! Here are my votes:

    2. ANYTHING to do with the Cuttlebug.
    12. The Xyron Design Runner (I'm interested in this but haven't purchased one yet).
    3. The "correct/easier" use of certain punches (Border punches to be specific - I always have a hard time with these)

    Thanks again!

  3. Glenda:
    Great blog! Here are my votes on videos:

    2.Anything to do with the Cuttlebug
    5. Fastenator
    ?. ATG gun

  4. ok, here's my vote...
    1.anything to do with the cricut expression machine
    2. anything to do with cuttlebug
    7.printing pouch/embossing buddy

    can't wait to see the results....

  5. What a fantastic idea!!! I would love to see: (1) anything cuttlebug (2) anything to do with embossing. Silly question: Can one use an embossing stamp pad without using a heat gun? Hope that makes sense. TIA


  6. Hello Glenda!

    Here are my votes:

    11. Bind it all-bought it last summer at the convention and have never used it.
    6. The Perfect Layers Tool-have heard the name a lot, but have no clue what it is.
    **Not listed-SCAL--making my own files.

    Great idea to ask for suggestions and to make videos to demonstrate.

  7. Hi Glenda!

    #1 Bind it All

    #2 Basic Grey Notch & Die Tool (never used it after I purchased it)

    #3 Alcohol Inks (have these too & never used them)

    Kitty Bryan Matter

  8. Perfect layers (dont have that)
    bind it all
    alcohol inks (dont use these , so enable me)

  9. My vote:

    1. Anything Cuttlebug or Alcohol Inks
    2. BIA/Dreamkuts
    3. How not to leave "tape boogers" with ATG

  10. 8. atg gun
    2. anything cuttlebug
    1. anything expression machine


  11. 1. how to use the crop a dile
    2. how not to get the ATG boogers
    3. more on the cricut - I would love videos on how to create, design something. Thanks Glenda

  12. Barbieq from Kentucky

    1.Anything Cricut Exp.
    3.B I A

  13. *Bind it All/DreamKutz
    *How to emboss bigger than A2 on Cuttlebug
    *Alcohol Inks
    *Perfect Pearls

    Thanks Glenda!!
    Leisa Brown (Seisa on mb)

  14. I have posted this on the approiate message boards but I wanted to btt. I just wanted to tell you about the wonderful and really fast service I received from Glenda. I ordered the Rock a Blocks and they came to my door within 3 days. That is really great. Glenda's communication is great and her prices are very competitive. Thanks Glenda.

    Remember we need to support each other

  15. Thanks Glenda!
    1. I would love to see the "smooshing technique" with the Cuttlebug.
    2. I have the paper tagger and would like to know how to use it more creatively.
    3. And the BIA. It is a great tool............And I always mess up my projects!
    I would love any tutorials!

  16. Glenda, I have been lurking around your blog for a while and I am now officially a follower! I would like to see more #11 BIA and of course #1 Cricut!. Not sure where to put this so I will put it here and lower!

  17. Glenda,
    Would like to see:
    l.ATG gun
    2.Perfect layers
    3.Bind it all

  18. PERFECT PRINTING POUCH because it does so many things and so few people know how to use it or what to use it for. It's inexpensive and lasts forever!

    It works as an anti-static bag (like the embossing buddy) but it also does SO much more! Print on almost anything from vellum to acrylic...cork and muslin crisp and perfect. Stamp on twill tape or silk flowers without bleeding. Dries the inkjet ink almost immediately on vellum and more. Works as a release agent for stamping on clay. Works as a sticker de-activator,too. Even stamp with Stz-on on transparencies and makes it crisp and stops the stamp from sliding.

  19. Love your site!
    ATG gun, anything cuttlebug, alcohol inks
    and I am a Follower

  20. I don't see my original post, so I'll vote again.

    #1 Cridut
    #2 Cuttlebug
    #3 punches

    if it's too late, oh well


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Please share your thoughts by posting a comment here!!! Your thoughts / suggestions / comments will help this Blog evolve into the community of shared learning I so very much want it to be--for ALL of us!! Thanks. GLENDA

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