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Another Video in the Glenda's Hints & How-Tos Series (GHHT), Plus Bad News About Price Increases from Manufacturer

OK, here I am, back again with another short video, which is part of the Glenda's Hints & How-Tos Series (aka GHHT). Plus, today I finally got the news I've been dreading about my wholesale prices being raised by the manufacturer.

But first I want to say a big THANK YOU to those who have been placing their orders on my blog for both the Ultimate Crafter's Companion (UCC) as well as the Rock-A-Blocks (RAB) during the past week. The amount of orders being placed have picked up quite a bit since I first posted my "Free Studio G Stamps with Purchase Promotion" on April 17th. It could just be a coincidence, but I don't think so. It seems we all just love those darling Studio G Stamps!!! Thank goodness I managed to pick up as many as I did, because even though I've been sending them out all week long, I'm not quite out of them just yet!! But I can't imagine they'll last too much longer, so if you've been thinking of ordering either of these products or both, (UCC or RAB), please don't wait---I really want you to be able to get the Studio G Stamps with your purchase, as well as all the other "goodies" I always send out with your orders.

The other reason you shouldn't wait any longer is because the day I've been dreading has finally arrived. I heard from the manufacturer, Crafter's Companion, that they're no longer going to allow any orders with the special discounts on them, so they're going to start charging me regular price, starting now, which is going to increase my costs with them about 15%!! I'm already almost to the point of losing money on these products, so now with the manufacturer increasing my costs about 15%, it's likely going to force me to increase my selling prices. Which is something I sooooo don't want to do!!!

When I first started selling these 2 products from Crafter's Companion, it was because I fell head over heels in love with them when I saw them at CHA in January. I went back to their booth day after day & just hung around, soaking up everything I saw that these products could do to help crafter's get things done much easier. (Poor Sarah, who is the the person you always see doing the demos & on their DVDs probably thought I was a stalker because I was at their booth so much!!) After a few days, I finally decided that I wanted to make these available to as many crafter's as I could manage to reach, since my whole crafting philosophy is all about crafting with less stress & getting things done in the easiest & quickest way possible. I really wanted to share these great products, so I priced them as low as I possibly could, based on the special prices that were first available to me. I knew in my heart this day would eventually come, when those special manufacturer's prices would expire, but with the economy in the state that it is, I guess I'd held out hope that it wouldn't be for a while yet. There's little doubt that this will force me to adjust my selling prices, so please, grab these products that I already have priced, before I have to do so!!! If any of your friends or crop groups have been talking about getting either of these products, please refer them to my blog here ASAP. Use the two "BUY NOW" Buttons that are at the very top of my blog on the far right side. And remember that my prices are all inclusive--they already include the shipping, so the prices that you see are the real & true prices & are the full amount of what you'll pay.

Enough about all that now. Let's get back to crafting!! Today's video is about a great "find", and what makes it even greater is that it's free. All you have to do is ask!!!

Check it out for yourself:


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