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How LUCKY am I?? Already Received & am Shipping out my 1st Delivery of Spellbinders CHA Pre-Order Items!! WOW!! And Inventory Clearance Sale Finished.

Well, the secret is out: At the beginning of August, I was absolutely shocked (thrilled, but still shocked!!) when my first shipment of all the newest Spellbinder's CHA Pre-Order products arrived at my door!!! All I can say is I must be living right!! I haven't posted this until now, because I knew FULL well just how incredibly lucky & blessed I was to receive some of the very limited new CHA products that Spellbinders had just received themselves (in VERY limited quantities!!) from overseas & I didn't want to make all the other vendors feel bad (who won't didn't get an early shipment & likely won't see their orders until late August-mid September time frame)!! But now that it's been posted & "put out there" all over the message boards by my very excited customers who've been receiving many of their Spellbinders CHA Pre-Order items from me, it's no longer a "secret", so let me set the record straight.

The truth is that out of the several orders that I placed for the Spellbinders new CHA products during CHA (and more since then, since I'm still taking orders!!), I was one of the very lucky few who actually already received a shipment of the very first order I'd placed--and it happened soooo fast, I couldn't believe it when it showed up on my door!!! I almost passed out when I saw that the return address on the box was from Spellbinders--I couldn't fathom that any of the CHA pre-order items might actually be in there, Because, since the products had been first revealed, we'd been told over & over again, since the products were first revealed, that the earliest we MIGHT see the CHA pre-order items was mid to late August!!

I think I was lucky to receive my order, but I also believe that a good part of it was because I had pre-planned for "success", to make sure that one of the very first orders Spellbinders saw during CHA was mine. We'd been told that we couldn't transmit any CHA pre-orders until the convention floor actually opened at 9AM Eastern time on the first day of the CHA show (which was 6AM here in Pacific Time), so I actually stayed up all night (to make sure I didn't somehow oversleep!!), so I could send my order through the moment it was allowed. And that's exactly what I did--my order was transmitted as soon as the Spellbinder's site loaded the CHA products onto their site, just before 9AM Eastern Time on 7/28/09.

I also placed additional orders with Spellbinders throughout the course of CHA, because more & more people kept placing orders for more products with me, so I'm looking forward to seeing all those show up at my door!! So we're all waiting, along with Spellbinders, for their main shipments to arrive from overseas. But by placing your orders now, you're putting yourself in line, assuring that you WILL get the products. If you recall, the last pre-orders (a couple months ago) for all their new Pendant and matching Borderabilities dies sold out like wildfire. In fact, Spellbinders very quickly sold completely out of them & had to place another order for thousands & thousands more of them to be manufactured again overseas. Many people are still waiting to get their hands on those gorgeous dies. Again, I was "lucky" because I hedged my bets with those & placed multiple orders, so I've been in really good shape with those, just now selling out of a few of them. But, I've placed orders for more of these as well!!

Since receiving that first shipment of the CHA Pre-order products, I've been filling my customer's orders in the sequential order in which they were received by me & then paid for in PayPal. If there are any items that I don't have in stock at the moment, I'm still shipping out all the other items on the orders that I DO have right now. Then, those orders are being put into a 'Follow-Up' file by me. And when the rest of my Spellbinders product arrives here from my subsequent orders, I'll simply mail out whatever dies are still owed to you.

I'm still taking orders for all of Spellbinder's new CHA products, as well as all their other products. (Please see the sidebar on the right side of my blog for prices.) To place an order for any of the Spellbinder's products, please, email me at with the list of products that you want, along with your ZIP CODE. Please put "Spellbinders Order" in your email subject line, so those emails stand out as a priority!!

The next item I want to bring to your attention is that my "Inventory Clearance Sale" is over, so all prices are returned to their regular state, which are all listed on the right sidebar of my blog. Thanks so much to all you who helped me clear out inventory in order to make way for the new products, because I was literally bursting at the seams!!! Even though that sale has ended, I know my prices are still really reasonable & very fair. I try really hard to give you the best prices I possibly can. And I hope you know how much I always appreciate your business & your loyalty!!


  1. Glenda,
    Has the most exceptional service. I ordered some Spellbinders dies all because of Nilda's post of a card on the MB. My delivery came in the mail today. I just ordered a couple of days ago. I have been a customer of hers before with the same wonderful service. Her prices are the best I have found. If you are thinking of buying these please but from her.
    Thanks again.

  2. Glenda I truly thank you for the fabulous service and fast shipping! I took your advice to get my order in quickly and I'm so glad I did. Now I have so much fabulous stuff I don't know what to use first! Love you! xxD


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