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Thanks for all your good wishes & prayers! It's been a rough few weeks for our family!

I wanted to publicly thank all of you who have sent me your kind words, good wishes and prayers for our "special" son, who'd been hospitalized for a good while. It just isn't possible right now for me to thank each and every one of you who have emailed me or called my business phone to leave your very encouraging messages, so please allow me to use this public forum of mine to let you know how very much I appreciate all of you.  You have truly touched my heart.

It's been a very scary time for our family, especially not knowing all of the "why" of what led up to everything, because the one person who could give us all those answers, can NOT give them to us, because due to his disabilities, he can not speak.  We know he was hurt while out with his special day program where he apparently took a bad fall.  We know it was not reported to anyone until bruises and then huge hematomas were found all up down down his left leg from his foot to his hip.  And after the long, difficult hospitalization and the immense battery of tests this poor kiddo has been put through, we know, according to the admitting physician, that in the end, QUOTE, "This must have been an extraordinarily big fall and  he has sustained a great deal more trauma than was ever reported to you." End QUOTE. Certainly the trauma was enough for his body to fight soooo hard that he became suddenly and very dangerously anemic--his hemoglobins dropped to half of what they're supposed to be and because of that, he had to have emergency blood transfusions.  (Unfortunately, there was no time for any of us in his family to donate our own blood to him, which we would have preferred.  In fact he has a rare blood type that they didn't even store in the hospital and that they had to have delivered from the Blood Bank.) 

He was found to have extra axial fluid around his face and eyes, which also reflects a great deal of trauma, but luckily the trauma appeared to be mostly around the face & orbital areas and there was no brain bleed, which is what was initially feared. (So now we're left trying to figure out how a fall at the City Library could cause all these different injuries on separate parts of his body!!??)  Finding out about the axial fluid around his face, while terrifying, helped to answer our questions as to why the entire area around his eyes was sooo black--he literally looked like a raccoon--not bruised, but almost looked as if someone had taken a very dark eye shadow and applied it under, over and all around the sides of each of his eyes.  It was terrifying to see.  And of course because he couldn't understand why everything was being done "to him", he continually fought the I.V.s by pulling them out, plus the catheter (ouch, poor guy!) , not to mention all the many, very difficult tests that he had to end up sedated for, because he would not/could not cooperate, because he simply didn't understand.

I know many of you have expressed your concern for him, for me and for the rest of my family.  I thank all of you, because I really have felt your prayers and your kind words have given me strength throughout.  Our son continues to improve and I continue to ask the hard questions, as uncomfortable as they may be for the parties who were responsible for him when these injuries occurred.  It is the scariest thing for a parent of a disabled kiddo, no matter if they're 3 years old, or 30 years old, when they can not speak.  You are constantly worried about what could be happening to them, and you're scared that they're unable to articulate or report any of it to you in any fashion.  This has played into one of my greatest nightmares I've always had concerning him.  (Imagine having a perpetual baby and all the fears that go with that!)

I soooo appreciate the patience and the incredible loyalty of my amazing customers, who allowed me the extra time I needed during this hospitalization and were willing to wait an extra day or two for their orders if necessary.  Thank you so very much for your understanding and patience.

Now, if it weren't enough that our son was injured and hospitalized, we also found out in the last week that our beloved family dog, our precious little Brussels Griffon, Gucci has Cushings Disease.  We're now awaiting the results of another blood test that will tell us which form of Cushings Disease she has.  Of course, a dog can not ever compare to a child, but I have to tell you, this darling dog has wrapped herself around my heart like no other pet I've ever had and she is absolutely a huge comfort to me when I'm sad or upset about something--in fact, she reads me like a book!!  So on those days when I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, she is the one thing that can always brighten my day; she somehow always manages to comfort me with her unconditional love.  So finding out that she has a disease which will require life-long treatment (and the medications have their own bad effects!!) just broke my heart.  I gave a look up at the heavens and asked just how much was I expected to shoulder all at once, because over these past few weeks, I have really worried that I could collapse under the weight of it all!!! But then, like Moms everywhere, I take a deep breath and soldier on, because that's what we do.

Just to let everyone know, now that our son is on the mend, I am also getting back to life "as normal" and I'm trying to get caught up with everything (including blogging!!), and to get back to "business as usual" for my craft business.  In the meantime, there's been a great deal of products (ordered at CHA) arriving here, so I really am trying to get back to business as usual, so we can move this inventory!!

All the new Spellbinders releases from CHA arrived quite a while ago and I have all of them.  The new Ranger Distress Inks are here, and many of the new Tim Holtz Alterations dies are trinkling in daily (but we're all still waiting on his embossing folders!!!).  And of course, the new Zutter tools have arrived, so I have the new Zutter Kutter, as well as the fabulously helpful (and really cool!!) Distrezz-it-All (DIA), not to mention many different covers, page protectors, corner rounders/Round-it-Alls, Bind-it-Alls, DreamKuts and more.  I've also received a lot of the Teresa Collins covers and other products from her previous collections (previous to this past CHA), because it appears that her previous collections are sadly being phased out!!  Of course I also have her new Collections that were released at CHA as well.  There are more products from CHA that keep arriving, so if you have a question about something you want to order, please email me.  The most recent product news is the release of the new JustRite Stamps and I AM taking pre-orders for those, so be sure to email me about those.  (I will make a separate post about the JustRite Stamps!!)  My email is .

Thanks again to this amazing community of crafters that I feel so privileged to be a member of.  I have never come across a more generous and helpful community of people anywhere.  And the most amazing thing is that although we are situated all across this huge world of ours, and most of us will never meet face to face, we are now united as neighbors, by our love of crafting and through that, we truly have become an actual community.  I thank God for this community every day.


  1. Glenda I hope things get better and you get some answers and peace of mind soon. Hugs and prayers

    Misty AKA Daily Scrapper

  2. My prayers for you and your family. Did he get hit by a car possibly? Any video cameras on the building? I am praying for his peace of mind and a special perfect healing.

  3. Glenda, I am sorry or all the things you and your amily are going through right now. You must be an amazingly strong woman because God doesn't give you more than you can handle! To me, this speaks volumes about you and you devotion to you family! You are all in my prayers! A big hug to you, your son and your little fuzzy one!

  4. My heart goes out to you in all your struggles right now Glenda! I hope that your son recovers swiftly, I'm sorry that he's in so much pain, and you as well. HUGS!

  5. Thoughts and prayers with you! May God give you the strength you need ~ you are an amazing lady :)

  6. Ahhh Glenda, I am so sorry about your Son.
    Not knowing sometimes can drive you crazy.
    I hope and pray that he will continue to heal.

    I know what you mean when you wonder about the weight on your shoulders.

    I wish we lived closer, I would come over and help you to get your orders out.

  7. I am glad to hear your son is improving and I hope you get all the answers soon. And I am sorry about your dog...take deep breaths and take care of yourself!

  8. Yikes, you are having a time. It must be something in the air.
    Just a note: please don't be too hard on your caregivers. I was an educational asst. in a grade school working with an adopted fetal alcohol syndrome boy. My 'break' what during PE class. He was on some sort of sit scooter and the teacher was busy with some other kids. He was being pushed by a student, fell off and that student felt bad but didn't report it. A few days later I was called to the office, Social Services was there investigating. I was put through the wringer, blamed by the parents for abuse questioned for hours. FINALLY the teacher in the classroom asked the class if they knew anything and that girl came forward. After 2 dreadful weeks I was cleared and it took 2 years before I was apologized by the parents. Of course he wasn't near as hurt as your son (he had some bruises on his body, not seen with clothing on) but it was not a pleasant time for me.
    My regret now was that I was offered a school secretary job to get me out and away from him but I turned it down as I wanted to stay working with him....I was never able to get a secretary job after that and wasn't allowed to work with him either. :(
    Now I'm in a job I don't like.

  9. Glenda, I am so sorry I hear all this illness going on in your family and pray that your son and pet's illnesses are soon dealt with in a proper and timely manner in which you can get back to your normal life. Of course NORMAL life may be a little extreme with all that has happened to your son and I also pray that you find peace in knowing what did actually happened to him. Yes, a mother's worse nightmare is that of bad things happening to their children--we protect as much as possible but, we can't be everywhere. Don't test yourself beyond your limits though it's best you get some rest as well, so you can be fresh and recupped when he does get to come home. I really feel hurt in the fact that you are going through the NOT KNOWING part,it is sometimes good sometimes bad cause we always think the worse. I feel GOD has a plan for this for some reason, we just don't know but I hope it surfaces soon for all of you involved. Please find some peace in knowing that we crafters all care about you!, and wishing we could do more for you. Prayers are the source for comfort and peace and I pray that is what you get. God is with you and things will be left to him, God Bless You and your family, love you like a sister, Marilyn Coleman Candler NC ( a very SATISFIED and LOYAL customer)

  10. Glenda, I am soooo sorry that you and your family (including your furbaby) are going thru this horrific time. Prayers are being sent up for you! Please look after yourself and take care!

  11. Bless your heart. It so hard when you children hurt and you really can't make that hurt go away be it physical or mental. I was very happy to read the he is on the mend. I also send you prayers and good thoughts for your furbaby. They are your children too, just in a different form.


  12. I just happened upon your blog today, and though this happened a few months ago, I hope your son made a full recovery and that you had some questions answered as to what happened to your precious child. Your blog about this event made me take inventory of my day, my life and just be thankful, that I have children and that at least for today and hopefully many days I have not had a frightening thing of this nature to deal with. My God bless and protect him and keep him from harm in his future days. Thank you for sharing this scary ordeal, it really puts day to day mundane life into perspective for people like me. At least for today, I have NOTHING to complain about! Thank you!


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