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More new CHA Items--and it's just the beginning!!

Please CLICK HERE and check out the link to this interactive catalog which shows many of the new products from CHA that I can get for you. (FYI-this link was updated on Sept 19th, so if you've saved a previous version, please save this newer version) . This is a great way to get your "Wish List" going!!

If you are interested in any of these items, please send an email to me at with the list of items and whose product line the items belong to (i.e. Tim Holtz, Spellbinders, etc,).  Please also be sure to put the words: "CHA Product Catalog Info" in your email subject line.

This catalog does NOT show everything from the last CHA, but it is a good start. (Remember, there is always a list on the right sidebar of this site showing the product lines I have access to as well!!)

I also wanted to make sure that all of you were aware that I am now able to get single versions of individual Copic markers for you (because before this, I was forced to order a minimum quantity of 3 of each color), plus I can also order most of the collections/sets of Copics for you.  Just let me know what you want, and I promise my prices will be amazing!

I am also placing yet another order for more of the newer JustRite stamps, so if there's anything you want from them, please let me know ASAP so I include your quantities in my order.

And of course, I am ordering more Spellbinders (again), so if you want any of those, please email me so I can make sure I order enough for everyone!

As always, for any other questions or for specific pricing, please email me at !!!

P.S. If you are still thinking about joining the Cricut Circle, please let me know and I will have an invitation and all the details of the program emailed to you so that you can make an informed decision.  Please CLICK HERE to see my full article about the deadlines and cutoff dates that are quickly approaching, also for the details of Cricut Cartridge give-away I've added (if enough people sign up under my sponsorship!), and why this program has been fabulous for me (and hopefully would be for you as well!!). This is urgent as far as timing goes, since the cutoff to sign up (after receiving an invitation/sponsorship) is 9/13, which is just a few days away, so don't delay if you want the information and/or want to take advantage of all the amazing discounts & offers that are ONLY offered to Circle Members, including the upcoming special for the Cricut Imagine for Circle Members.

P.P.S. I think all my regular customers will breathe a sigh of relief right along with me when I tell you that I am ALL CAUGHT up on ALL back-orders for the Pink ATG tape dispenser and the i-rock tool!!!!!  Wow, it was quite a journey, but thank goodness, now everyone that had been waiting should have their products in their hands (or on the way to them!).  Even better news is that lots of folks are still currently ordering the Pink ATG from me, so we are continuing to help put money into that fund from 3M to donate to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.  And in the end, that was all I ever wanted when I started with Pink ATGs, so I am very happy about that!!  Thanks to everyone who has already bought one (or two or three of them--seems like a lot of gals are pooling their orders together to save on shipping--very smart!!!)--and thanks in advance to everyone else who will order one in the future (and yes, I DO still have them IN STOCK!!).  I hope going forward I can find more products like this so that all of us can help "give back" while also helping ourselves get the latest and greatest crafting tools!


  1. How exciting Glenda, you have your store up... I will be checking it all out....

  2. I got my Pink ATG yesterday and immediately set to playing with it! I love it and I love you for shipping it out so quickly! You're an angel! Thanks so much for my "Glenda's Goodies!" Woot!



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