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Finally--a working laptop--for now anyway!! Also, new releases...

OK friends--WOW, is there anything less fun than having computer problems??  HOW FRUSTRATING!!  But it seems to be OK (for now).--The laptop kept yelling at me regarding something about a Print Spooler, and a Print Spooler Application kept closing the laptop automatically and then re-starting it and it just kept going around in that never-ending loop!!  VERY FRUSTRATING!!  Finally did a full System Restore from the week before.  Good reminder for all of us to manually make a RESTORE Point every so often!

Good news is that I have all of your emails from the Black Friday weekend & am working on them now, so expect to hear from me with your PayPal invoices soon!!

I also know I need to get some new products put up here on the site for all of you (after I'm done with Black Friday!!) but for now let me just start by letting you know that YES--I am selling all of the new JustRite stamps--the originals and all the new Cling stamps, as well as the long-awaited JustRite/Spellbinders Custom DIES (dies made by Spellbinders to exactly match specific JustRite stamps!!!--LOVE THESE!!!)  But since I haven't been able to get them put up here yet (trying not to push my luck with the laptop!!), to see them for now, please view the new JustRite Cling stamps by CLICKING HERE to go to the JustRite Stampers site.  To see the new Spellbinder/JustRite CUSTOM DIES, CLICK HERE.  

Make your list from the information on the site, and then come back to me to order.  Please know that my prices are normally at least 25 to 30% less than what the JustRite Retail/MSRP prices are on their site.  Same goes for Spellbinders (although many of my Spellbinder's discounts are even deeper, as well as most other manufacturers). When you're ready, just email your list to me at .

Please show the manufacturer, the Product Name and Product Number-- (here's a couple examples: JustRite, Quiet Moments Cling, CL-02050, or Spellbinders, Grand Labels One, LF-161 ).  Please try to get your lists to me ASAP, as it is much easier for me to place a larger order all at once, rather than trying to grab a few products here and there, which ends up costing me more (and remember, the less I can pay for the total of an order, the more discounts I can give & the more cute stuff I can give away!!). 

When you send me your orders, please put something in the email subject line to let me know this IS an order, such as "ORDER ENCLOSED".  And ALWAYS include your ZIP code, (or for international customers, your country code and city/town information), and for all of you, please be sure to include the email address that is attached to your PayPal account.

Once I receive your order, I will process it and soon after, I will send you a PayPal invoice.  (Exception would be for any items you want to buy from my site that already have the PayPal ADD TO CART buttons attached to them--those you can just finish up on your own automatically!)

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to call me on my office number, (714) 964-0656 between the hours of 10 AM to 6:30 PM, PACIFIC TIME (3 hours earlier than Eastern, 2 hours earlier than Central, and 1 hour earlier than most of you in Mountain Time)!!

Thanks so much for your business!!

P.S. Are you watching the reveals for this year's Twelve Tags of Christmas on Tim Holtz's blog?? CLICK HERE to go to Tim's Blog!!!  I swear that a big part of the fun of it all for me is trying to guess what he'll do next!!  Ot just gets better year after year!!  OMG--the technique for Day 2 with the Cut-n-Dry Felt is one of my FAVORITE "Tim Techniques"-- EVER!!!  If you need any of the products Tim uses throughout the series, let me know!!!  I am a HUGE Ranger devotee!!!



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