Please allow me to begin by saying a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has contacted me in any way since I posted about the loss of my darling little dog, Gucci. I've had comments from you on the blog, countless emails (almost 4,000 emails!!), Facebook posts, Cricut Message Board messages, many telephone calls (from all over the world!!) and some of you even sent gorgeous Sympathy cards to me. Please just know that in whatever manner all of you chose to reach out to me, every single one of your very kind words have touched my heart and have offered me a great deal of comfort. Thank you so much for your amazing thoughtfulness. I have not been able to respond to all of you directly because in the past week and a half since Gucci's death, I have received almost 4,000 new emails, which you might imagine has literally overwhelmed me. Please allow this post to serve as my heart-felt thank you to each and every one of you.
The next order of business is that it turned out that I needed a bit more time to grieve than I'd initially thought, so I am just now really returning to work. However, last week I did already begin the process of placing various CHA orders with several manufacturers and vendors and I am continuing to do so this week, so please, get your pre-orders emailed to me ASAP so that I know I'm getting the correct quantities of everything ordered for you. If there are any products you're interested in besides the big, obvious ones that I always order, please don't hesitate to ask me about ordering them for you. You can either email me, or you are ALWAYS welcome to call me on my home office # (after 10AM Pacific Time!!) at (714) 964-0656.
As always, my prices on all the new CHA Releases are far below the Retail/MSRP prices, typically averaging at least 25% (or more) below the MSRP. There will always be some exceptions, based on certain manufacturer's restrictions that they place on retailers, but they are very far and few between.
To email your orders to me, please send them to and PLEASE put the word: "ORDER" in your email subject line, so that I can easily separate your orders from the very thoughtful condolence messages that continue to pour in. Please include the names of the manufacturer and the actual item(s) you want, and if you happen to have the product code for your item(s), that most certainly helps speed things up and is deeply appreciated by me!!
I so appreciate your business (which is right now turning out to be extremely good medicine for me by giving me something else to focus on that's very important to me!!), and more than anything, I deeply appreciate the kindness and friendship that all of you continue to send my way. You have no idea just how very much all of you are helping to heal my heart right now. Thank you so much!!!
The next order of business is that it turned out that I needed a bit more time to grieve than I'd initially thought, so I am just now really returning to work. However, last week I did already begin the process of placing various CHA orders with several manufacturers and vendors and I am continuing to do so this week, so please, get your pre-orders emailed to me ASAP so that I know I'm getting the correct quantities of everything ordered for you. If there are any products you're interested in besides the big, obvious ones that I always order, please don't hesitate to ask me about ordering them for you. You can either email me, or you are ALWAYS welcome to call me on my home office # (after 10AM Pacific Time!!) at (714) 964-0656.
As always, my prices on all the new CHA Releases are far below the Retail/MSRP prices, typically averaging at least 25% (or more) below the MSRP. There will always be some exceptions, based on certain manufacturer's restrictions that they place on retailers, but they are very far and few between.
To email your orders to me, please send them to and PLEASE put the word: "ORDER" in your email subject line, so that I can easily separate your orders from the very thoughtful condolence messages that continue to pour in. Please include the names of the manufacturer and the actual item(s) you want, and if you happen to have the product code for your item(s), that most certainly helps speed things up and is deeply appreciated by me!!
I so appreciate your business (which is right now turning out to be extremely good medicine for me by giving me something else to focus on that's very important to me!!), and more than anything, I deeply appreciate the kindness and friendship that all of you continue to send my way. You have no idea just how very much all of you are helping to heal my heart right now. Thank you so much!!!
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