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Finally can share my big news-I'm in a TV Infomercial for Cricut / Provo Craft!

Here's the BIG NEWS:   The very busy "Cricut Event/Special Project" I've been involved with over the past couple months is that I filmed a TV INFOMERCIAL for Cricut / Provo Craft that will be airing on all the major network stations. Please watch for it!!
It was the experience of a lifetime and I will be forever grateful to have had the privilege of being involved with it! I just saw that Teresa Collins had posted on Facebook about it, so I doubled checked with the production company and they said it's OK to post this info now, so now you know!!!
The production company that Provo Craft very wisely hired to shoot this infomercial was Raymond Enterprises and let me just say they were an absolute dream to work with from start to finish.  Every single person I came into contact with from Raymond Enterprises was unbelievably professional, amazingly grounded and every one of them made me feel like a million bucks!
On Day 1 they actually did my shoot at my family business, Main Street Eyewear in downtown Huntington Beach.  They came to our location because we were utilizing ideas for businesses to be able to use the Cricut Mini and Cricut Craft Room.  It was wild to walk in from Main Street in the wee morning hours and see the HUGE amount of equipment that they brought to this locale shoot.  The entire breezeway out on front of our business was jam-packed full of equipment!! It honestly looked like a real TV shoot, which of course it was, from the swiveling cameras to the big lights and even a little craft services table outside full of big pots of Starbucks coffee to keep us all going!  And every single person from Raymond Enterprises knew exactly what they needed to do to get the job done, from putting a special type of film onto all our lights inside our store and all the display cases to make them look better on TV, to covering up every single designer's logo in our eyewear/optical store (and since all we sell is high-end designer eyewear, that was quite a serious job, LOL!!) and much, much more!!  The Art Director was fabulous and certainly had an amazing eye for detail, the camera man managed to get his shots even in the tightest spots within our business, and the gal who kept track of each and every second of what had been filmed had a memory like I've never seen--it was unbelievable!!  And of course, a fabulous team like this gets its direction from the top down and I have to give a huge thank you to Beau, who was in charge of the shoot, and to his fabulous and oh-so-helpful assistant, Alon.  From the first contact I had with Beau while going through the interview process with him and then preparing for the shoot, and all the way through to the finish of my part of this project, he was simply amazing and soooo easy to work with/for.  He made it an absolute joy! 
They were there at our location from very early morning until very late afternoon and to continue about the production company's awesomeness, when they left, every single thing they had altered for the commercial, from the lights to covering up the logos, to removing the backs of some display cases was put back exactly the way it was before they showed up that morning---you would never have known they were there, except for the fact that for days afterwards, people were inquiring about what we'd been shooting in there (news travels fast where we're located here on Main Street, which is just up from the ocean and in many ways, is very much like its own small town, and the TV shoots around here are generally about surfing or our amazing Lifeguards, LOL!!)
Then on Day 2 we finished up the interview portion, aka my "green screen" interviews at their beautiful production facility in L.A.  It was top notch all the way, from the Stylist who had picked out the perfect color shirt and matching scarf for me for my wardrobe for the shoot, to the Makeup and Hair Stylist who transformed me for my "close-up", LOL (and I kept her very pretty hair-do for a big fancy party that my husband and I were going to that evening and got lots of compliments about it!!), to the director, to the interviewer and all the other support people in that room, and every other single solitary person I came in touch with that day. I say again that the way they treated me made me feel like a million bucks!!  I also want to thank Jon Lee, the Creative Director at Provo Craft for all his help and guidance as well!
As I said before, it was the experience of a lifetime; the chance to hopefully help sell these new products that are part of the Cricut product family that I have been a part of as a consumer since they were first released over 5 years ago.  Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my Cricut machines and feel they have literally changed my life.  Any time spent "Cricuting" always makes me extremely happy and joyful!!  I couldn't begin to add up all the people I've educated about the Cricut over the last 5 years and getting the chance to now do so on such a grander scale was a dream come true!!
So keep your eyes peeled for this to air and if you see it, please shoot me an email at and let me know where and when you saw it.  I would greatly appreciate the heads-up!
Here's a copy, you can find me at approximately 1:27 (1 minute and 27 seconds), 5:56, and 14:17.  (There might be more, but that's what I found when fast forwarding through the finished video this first time around!)  (FYI--It might be easiest on your eyes to click on the YouTube symbol at the bottom right of the video, which will open the video in YouTube itself and thus should be shown on a larger screen.  But if you leave, please come back and leave a comment and let me know what you think!!)

That goes for everybody—please leave a comment and let me know what you think!!  I hope you all enjoy it!!!!


  1. Gr8t job...the Oriental Tri-Card is mine in the backround....Maile Lei

  2. Great video. So exciting that you were a part of it! are a star!

  3. You looked like a pro! Best wishes and your eyewear store looks great too!

  4. Glenda, you have always been a star to us and now there are others out there who will know you, too! Great infomercial, too

  5. Great Job Glenda. Hope this airs in my area soon. I want to see you on my big screen!

  6. Lucky you, a Queen for the day! A proud Cricuteer for a lifetime.

  7. That is so awesome Glenda!! Congrats!

  8. Great commercial! You were awesome! I love my mini :) the commercial has so many amazing ideas! Loved it!

  9. So cool that you were in the commercial for all to see!!! Hope you get to scrap this event soon to share with us.
    Fantastic video!!

  10. Congrats Glenda! Great job. Love it! Can't wait to record this!!

  11. Congratulations again!!! Cant wait to get your autograph!


  12. WOW! What a great experience you had. I am so happy for you!

  13. This is awesome! Conrgats....looks like a great time!

  14. Great job. Thank you so much for sharing it with us before it airs.

  15. Congrats on the infomercial. Loved all the ideas they gave on there.

  16. OMG...what a cool thing to be able to did a fantastic job.....I know you must've had lots of fun so girl now you R a TV star....and what a great job you did!
    Dreams do come true and I'm glad that's what happened to you.....Now when you Cricket Create you'll have your own sweet memories to give you that warm fuzzy feeling forever!

  17. Congrats!! That's a great informercial, it really makes you want to buy one!! Great ideas!

    Brenda W.

  18. No wonder you felt "like a million". You did a GREAT job !!!!!!
    Sally, in Maine

  19. Congratulations! I love the video and reading your story about the production! Thanks for sharing that. I just signed up through e-mail. I look forward to receiving future ideas from you.

  20. WOW! You're a star. Congratulations and great job. Thanks for sharing. Betty-Jane

  21. Congrats on being in the infomercial!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. The infomercial will inspire me to create more things! I can't wait to watch it on the big screen (my tv, lol)!!!

  22. Great job! Made me want to buy one!

  23. I like the video that you have shared. thank the great share
    Kizi | A10 | 4223 Games


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