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Who LOVES Tim Holtz’s Products and are You Attending Tim Holtz’s Very First Online Class? See the Tim Holtz Interactive Catalog Below for EASY Supply Ordering for ALL of Tim’s Products!!

If you love many of Tim Holtz’s products and are NOT yet signed up to take Tim’s very first online class, I can only ask “Why Not”?  This two-week online set of eleven classes are for any paper crafter who wants to understand: how to use, when to use, and why to use all the different types of inks, colorants, markers, papers and more that we already have in our stash, or that we might want to add to our craft supplies in the future.  In Tim’s words, these classes are all about technique. “The goal here is not to just make pretty things, our goal is to understand the “how’s & why’s” of the products too.”

It is an online class which incorporates the very best formats available for online classes in that they are interactive classes because you can ask questions and interact with the instructor and other class participants in the Class Forum, but you can actually “attend” the classes and watch the videos on your own schedule, and the very best thing is that you have LIFETIME access to all the class materials, videos, PDFs, etc.!!

For those of you who are not yet signed up, here’s the link to check it out:   (Be sure to watch the video on the information page and then you’ll understand why all of us who paper craft should take this class!!)

For anyone who still wants/needs to order supplies for the class, or for anything else pertaining to Tim Holtz’s products, I’m posting a link here that is an actual 84 page INTERACTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG of Tim’s products that you can page through online, which will make it easier going forward for all of my customer's to make up your lists of products that you want to order and then just email it to me at . (Please put the word “ORDER” in your email’s subject line!!)  But what I need to be sure that you understand is that this catalog shows all the products with their MSRP prices (which means “Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Prices”),  and unfortunately, I’m not able to edit those, so I want to remind all of you that my prices are always an average of at LEAST 25% or more off of the MSRP!!!  You never need a Coupon Code, you never have to wait for a sale, and you never have to jump through hoops to get my discounted prices—they are that way 24/7, 365 days a year!! So when you’re making your lists to email to me, just total it up using the MSRPs that you’ll see in the interactive catalog, then deduct 25% to get your average total with me!!

Here’s the interactive catalog link for Tim Holtz’s 2012 Product Lines:

For those of who are taking Tim Holtz’s online class, Creative Chemistry 101, there’s a Class supply list provided on their site, but I thought I’d make it easy for you by also posting it here.  Please let me know if I can help you with any of these!!


• Craft Sheet                              • Ink Blending Tool

• Ink Blending Foam                   • Mister

• Mini Mister                              • Heat Tool

• Stamps/Rubber or Clear           • Distress Ink

• Distress Re-inker                     • Distress Stains

• Distress Markers                     • Distress Crackle Paint

• Distress Embossing Powder     • Distress Stickles

• Clear Embossing Powder         • Perfect Pearls Powder

• Archival Ink                            • Ink Palette

• Waterbrush/Detailed                • Waterbrush/Flat

• Vagabond Machine                 • Texture Fades

(or other die cutting machine)


• Tags/Manila                           • Tags/Kraft

• Specialty Stamping Paper        • Sticky Back Canvas/Natural

• Watercolor Paper                   • Grungeboard or Chipboard

• Kraft Resist

So if you ever wished that you understood when to use dye ink versus pigment ink, or what type of inks or other colorants work best on dark papers versus light papers and many, many other things that will help you to better utilize the supplies you already own, or to help you intelligently buy the supplies you need for your projects going forward, then go on over to the Creative Chemistry 101 site, read through the class descriptions and get yourself registered.  This is not just a class that will teach you about Tim’s products, but it will also educate you about the same type of products from any manufacturer, which might well help you save a heap of money in the future!! 


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