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Over $300 worth of Free Product!!

Let's say I'm offering you the most amazing "coupon" ever, to any of your favorite craft stores (Michaels, Joann's, Hobby Lobby, etc.) & that "coupon" allows you to go into any of those craft stores, then go up to the register with well over $400 worth of products in your shopping cart & when they ring you up, you only have to pay $99 for all of it!!!! So you are getting OVER $300 worth of products for FREE!!  Wouldn't you scramble to get that "coupon" from me??   

But wait, this "coupon" offers even more: What if this same "coupon" allowed you to shop at those craft store as often as you wanted to for (at LEAST) the next 6 months, & every time you went to check out at the register, it gave you 22% off your ENTIRE order--and I DON'T mean the kind of coupon that just gives you a measly 40% off of only 1 item & is full of  fine print & restrictions as to what you can & can't use the coupon for---NO--this "'coupon" gives you 22% off your entire order EVERY time you go in to shop for at least the next 6 months!! PLUS—don’t forget that it already allowed you to only pay only $99 for over $400 worth of merchandise  Who among you wouldn't jump to get a "coupon" like this???  I think any if us would be crazy to pass it up!!!  
But what's the catch you might ask??  Well, it is a VERY TIME SENSITIVE coupon, it's only good for the next few weeks (April 30, 2014).

So you ask, what do you have to do to get all this??  Well, you can actually DO NOTHING AT ALL if you don't want to, & all that happens is that 6 months after you first used the "coupon", it becomes inactive & you can't use it anymore. But you still get to keep the over $400 worth of products you got on your first trip to the register (with OVER $300 of it being completely FREE!!!), plus you also get to keep all the other products you bought over the last 6 months with the 22% off. If that's how YOU want to use the "coupon", then you’re in my "HOBBYIST" category, which gives you everything described above & you don't have to do a single thing going forward (unless you want to). CLICK HERE to get all of this!!

But I have another category of "coupon" that offers everything listed above, plus you may want even more!!  Maybe you want to try to use the "coupon" to, in addition to getting all the other stuff, also maybe make some extra money for yourself. And perhaps you'd also like to be able to take advantage of all the free training the "coupon" offers (& it offers a LOT of different types of training!!). There's obviously training that shows you how to best use all those free & discounted products that you got, plus there are free projects utilizing those products, & you can also learn how to teach others to use them!!  There's also a lot of business training to help teach you how to expand & make some money with all these products, plus much, much more. If you want to explore those kinds of options, along with the over $400 worth of products that you got on your first trip to the register ($300 of which was absolutely FREE!!), plus your ongoing 22% discount every time you shop, then I'll put you in my "Business Consultant" category. 

Whichever of the 2 categories/"coupons" fits you, I want to help you get them by going here: CLICK HERE

The only difference is that instead of having to shop at one of those crowded craft stores that aren't always easy or convenient for many people to get to, & who doesn’t show you how to use those products or provide you with ongoing projects utilizing them, your "coupon" is for the Close To My Heart company, one of the foremost craft companies in the world, who have been in business for over 30 years. They carry only the highest quality products & you can shop with them online 24/7.  When you pay that initial $99, it gives you over $400 worth of products (making over $300 of it FREE!!!), plus it allows you to join Close to My Heart (abbreviated as CTMH) which then gives you the ability to shop ongoing & get your 22% discount. If you want to join as a "HOBBYIST", & all you want is the free stuff & the 22% discount & you never want to do another thing, I'm happy to have you with me for at least the next 6 months & I'll do everything I can to show you how to extend your time beyond 6 months if & only if you want me to. And at the end of your 6 months, your "coupon" changes from Active to Inactive, you keep all your free & discounted products that you've accumulated over the last 6 months & that's it. No harm, no foul!!  Easy peasy!!   CLICK HERE & take advantage of this amazing offer before it’s too late & you miss out on the early extra gifts!!

But for those who want to explore your options & want to learn how to make some extra money & maybe make a business out of this for yourself, I would really love to have you as a "BUSINESS CONSULTANT" & I will do EVERYTHING possible to help you reach whatever goals YOU set for yourself!!  Plus when you join me, you will be surrounded by & have access to some of the most successful people in this organization who are here to help you as well. CLICK HERE to get started.

If you are still not sure, please—tell me why!!??  Come on now—Over $400 worth of Close to My Heart Products for only $99!!! Who's in? NO STRINGS!   And you don't have to sell a single thing in order to keep the products! WooHoo!!!! Ask yourself how much you spent on craft supplies over the last couple months???  You know you have $99 to spend on Craft supplies, especially since it will get you over $400 worth of products (over $300 is then FREE!!)!!  When is the last time a company gave you over $300 worth of free stuff??  I can’t remember it ever happening to me, until I found CTMH!!!  You won't regret it!

Join me & get everything we’ve discussed, plus I have some special freebies I’m also tossing in!!
CLICK HERE to get started!!!



  1. More than $ 300 worth of free product, a small number and not what we can see. The information needs to be shared.

  2. What a great initiative here. I'll look around the site and see if I can offer any additional ideas. Thanks.

  3. I am really appreciate this wonderful post that you have provided for us. I assure this would be beneficial for most of the people. Your post is most good looking and so nice.

  4. Excellent share, this is a really quality post. In underlying objects theory I’d like to write like this too. Taking time and real effort to make a good article.


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