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WOOHOO, YIPPEE, YAHOO!! FINALLY--the brand new, much anticipated, longed for, and much sought after Close to My Heart Cricut cartridge, ARTFULLY SENT, is now ready to order on my shopping site. Click right here!!  
 I WANT YOUR BUSINESS!! I really want you to order this cartridge from me!!!  This is WITHOUT a DOUBT, the most amazing Cricut cartridge that has ever been released!  You will be astonished at all that it can do!!!

It comes with:
  • The Close to My Heart Artfully Sent Cricut Cartridge.
  • 3 - My Acrylix D-size stamp sets that were designed specifically to beautifully complement this cartridge.
  • 1 - 12"x12" White Daisy Cardstock pack.   

Here is my special:  Everyone who orders ARTFULLY SENT, or any of the OTHER 3 CTMH Cricut cartridges on my shopping site, from now through Fri. Sept. 19th, will get their choice of ANY "B"-sized stamp set FREE from me (see just a few samples below!) You can find all of the "B"-size stamp sets available either on my CTMH website, or in the CTMH new CTMH Annual Inspirations 2014-2015 Idea Book.  Their item code will begin with the letter B. 
(***FYI, your stamp set will be mailed separately - please--do NOT add it to your shopping cart!***).
To receive your stamp set, please email me at: and include the following:
  1. The name that your order was placed under and the date placed
  2. The Item Number and the Name of the B-size stamp set you've selected
  3. Your complete mailing address:  Name, street address city, state and zip
  4. Telephone #, including area code just in case I might need to contact you

    Additional special: If you refer a friend to me and they buy ANY of the four  Close to My Heart Cricut cartridges, I will send you a 12 combo pk of our CTMH White Daisy and Colonial White cardstock.  These two cardstocks are the absolute best choice for you to use with your Cricut.  You will get soooo much use out of them for creating, cutting and stamping all of your Cricut-compatible images, as well as your regular Cricut cuts, not to mention for use as card bases and also as backgrounds, journaling blocks or photo mats for scrapbook layouts, plus much more.  You will reach for these time and time again!!! 

To redeem this special, all you need to do is email me the name of your friend, the date of their order and of course, your name and mailing address. And if you would, please put "Glenda's Cricut Promos: in the email subject line!!  My email is:   

*** See below just a couple examples of some of my personal favorites out of the large number of the B-size stamp sets available.  Please CLICK HERE to see all of the available B-size stamps sets! (Their Item Number will begin with the letter "B".)

FYI, in case you're not familiar with this:  ANY stamp image that you see outlined in red on my shopping website, or in our CTMH Idea Books, means there is a matching Cricut cut on the CTMH Cricut cartridge listed on the stamp set.  Example--For the "Crafted with Love" stamp set above, both of the two main/largest stamps do have matching Cricut cuts!! (And all the little phrases are meant to be stamped inside those 2 shapes!!  Soooo stinkin' cute!!!)

So COME ON old and new friends alike, I really WANT YOUR BUSINESS!!!!  Please help me expand this business venture and wonderful journey that I feel privileged to be a part of with Close to My Heart.

See below for a short video about the ARTFULLY SENT Close to my Heart Cricut cartridge:


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